Before we could completely sample the delights of Tibet, we stalled out in Beijing and got a taste of some good ole city liven! Military official Tienman Square Bejing
Eden Sinclair (left) and Dave Kwant try to fit in whilst in the Forbidden City of Beijing.
Finally after three of the longest days in the world we left Beijing and Arrived in Lhasa. 6 months of planning saving every dime and perhaps neglecting a few relationships the boys all sat togehter for the first time eager to tackle the rivers of Tibet. Unfortunatly arriving from sea level to 12,000 feet requires a bit of acclimating. So we spent some time getting to know each other and getting a feel for Tibet. Eden Sinclair atop the Jokang Temple brushes up on his Tibetan before hitting the Markets. The Portala Palace in the background is the former home of the Dali Lhama.
The Jokang temple is one of the most sacred monestaries in Tibet. Pilgrims travel for months selling all of their belonging as a form of penance and seperation from material things. The pilgrims drop to their hands and knees every couple of steps prostating themselves every step of the way. Once in Lhassa the Pilgrims will circle the temple for several days stopping for short breaks and long prayers. 

Pilgrims circeling the Jokang Temple with Prayer wheels in hand.
Munks walking past the Jokang Temple
Two young munks sit outside the Portal Palace with a huge Chinese flag erected in front of it. When the Chinese invaded Tibet they built a huge monument to the Liberation of Tibet by the China Red Army. This monument is heavily gaurded by military officials perhaps to avoid
defacing. mmm?
Eden Sinclair joining the Pilgrims on a lap around the Jokang temple
Finally after a week in Bejing and Lhasa it was time to load up the truck and hit the road
JJ. These are awesome. Tibet is now the next adventure for me on my adventure to do list.... Don' think I'll be kayakling those reivers but, rather, hiking and camping. You should send these to Outside Or National Geographic Adventure magazine. I'd be surprised if one of them wouldn't want your story and photos for their awesome adventure magazine. Could have a new career in adventure journalism and photography. Do it.
JJ. a couple of friends told me they met you when you saw my paddle at the whitewater park. Give me a shout at 704.650.1971 the next time you're in town and we can grab a bite and catch up. Best, Hal
love the photos by thew ay.
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