Once out of the cities, life became very simple over in Tibet. We would rise around 7:30, have a couple cups of tea, some delicious breakfast, and shake off the wet kayaking gear. We never had to search hard for a river to paddle or good camping spots as there is plenty of land and lots of open spaces. It seemed every time we thought we were in the middle of no where local children, villagers, or traveling pilgrims would poke their head out of the bushes and greet us with a warm smile. The people of Tibet truly are a warm and friendly people offering a nice contrast to the frigid and scary rivers.

As the trip came to an end our largest mission the Parlung Tsangpo became our daily battle. We started at Rawok Tso, a high Alpine lake in the eastern ranges of the Himalayas. The river intensified in volume each day testing us the entire way. We finished 12 days later near the small Tibetan village of Tong Mai at the Confluence of the Yiong Tsangpo where the two rivers join dropping rapidly into the apex of the Great Bend of the Yarlung Tsangpo.
Keep an eye on www.2at.com for the full length HD DVD available Summer 07
Keep an eye on www.2at.com for the full length HD DVD available Summer 07