Monday, January 10, 2011

Humla day 7-9

Day 6 ended at a beautiful beach camp spot with a large rock to chill on. We had passed numerous small villages and were drawing close to our resupply.
Each morning hand made chapatis were prepared over the standard double burner 3 rock fire and packed into a dry bag for our lunch. The first week we had tuna and cheese. The second week our lunch rations were reduced to peanut butter, 2 chapatis and a snickers bar. We were getting hungry.

Cooper Lambla charging thorough the numerous rapids of the lower Humla Karnali
(photo Will Stublefield)

Day 7 saw us passing through the last of the major canyons of the Humla Karnali. In fact the river upon exiting the last big canyon eased quite considerably. Large rapids still kept you on your toes and the occasional scout was required but all in all we had cracked the upper reaches of the Humla and were now covering large distances each day. Regardless we were still a long way from the take out and nearly out of food. It was crucial that we reached the put in for the lower in order to resupply for the remaining 113 miles of river down to Chisapani.

Isaac Thomson working his way down the meat of a large rapid day 7

Large holes were a constant fear but generally the lower stretches provide big green lines if you knew where to look. Toby MacDermott finds the easy way down a long rapid.

Cooper Lambla showing the boys how its done in the typical Cooper style

It had been a solid week and we were finally only a few K's from our planned resupply spirits were high and we were hoping to finish the 180 kilometers of the main Karnali in 3 days.

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